What i've learned through the years ( empezando por esos tempranos años SD ) is that when i'm sleepless, i've gotta write write write, puke all inside and paint in letters the blog i have, mi santo remedio para el insomnio.
Lately i've been thinking too much in "the one"; not a person, not a name, just the one, prince charming or whatever. Esto vino la última vez a colación con un pimiento, pero lo que me convoca realmente es la aparición breve de una de las personas más importantes en mi historia.
Diego's his name, and i think that thanks to him i'm kinda what i am today, or thanks to that dream we both had 5 years 1 month ago, thanks to a crystal, some chants and some of god's will. I'm not saying he is the one, but what i'm trying to say is that he's appereance made me acknowledge some things and feel some others that i thought it would take longer. I felt love when i talked to him, not love to him, nor love from him, but love, and i missed it so much. Ese calorcito por el que iría a mil cruzadas. And that's the point of all... creí que había conocido a the one, y .... HAHAHAHAHA, DIOS, maldito Sartre, no pensé que me penarías en mis vacaciones.... bueno, Sartre me acaba de venir a penar y me dijo que actué de mala fe al encacillar a alguien como the one x), y por eso al no poder salir de ahí no podría sentir amor de otra manera u otra persona, Thanks dude x).
Dejando el freak show de lado y mandando a este señor a dormir, pues yo realmente told myself a story about my prince charming, never ending stories and whatever happy mermaid bullshit, and that story stayed there for long enough to keep me blind.
El punto verdadero, y esto va para ti, mi queridísimo amigo Pimiento y para que quede grabado ya no solo en sangre sino en el ciber espacio, somos dos niños con solo 21 años, inteligentes, nos va bien en la vida y de verdad somos geniales, nuestro unico pecado verdadero en esto fue to love too much, to fight too much and to loose too much on that quest where we loved what we told ourselves were "our ones", and we will never know if we were loved in return, cause love never dies, amor never dies.
We loved thinking we've met the one and fought for it... u know what people? A mis 21 años digo, Enjoy =) don't tell yourselves that story, dare if you want, but really just learn from anything without giving it a name, it will only hurt later.
Date, love, please love! love changes, but doesn't die, if it does, it was never love.
Don't look for a husband...
If you feel love, live it and don't name it.